Thursday, April 05, 2007

Baseball is back! Know what makes a heated Muni ride?

After UCLA's loss to Florida last Saturday in Final Four, I had to quickly reajust my mindset, get over my depression, and focus on the Giants. I haven't attended a game this week yet but we're going to Friday night's game against the Dodgers and will be taking BART. Great option to have to avoid the horrendous Friday night Bay Bridge traffic while saving $$ on parking.

Those BART/Muni rides to ATT Park are always eventful because you are pretty much putting Dodgers and Giants fans into a small, uncomfortably crowded space (Muni) and we bicker, especially after the game when one side is obviously very pissed off about the loss, add alcohol on top of the emotions and you have a train-full of short-fused sports fans who pretty much hate each other!!

Although I haven't seen anyone get hurt yet. Nothing can be as bad as the Dodgers-Giants game back in 2003 (I think it was 03) at Dodgers Stadium where a Giants fan was shot by a Dodgers fan in the parking lot. I used to live in LA, and I've been there as a Giants fan. Compared to ATT Park, Dodgers Stadium is a very ghetto ballpark with very questionable chracters there who look like they are armed. I definitely didn't feel safe there with my Giants gear.

I hope that I will be a happy fan on my BART ride home. I am slightly more encouraged now seeing their improved performance Thursday night against Padres. Still pessmistic though.


Josh said...

I think that some confusion is going to come next week after MUNI realigns their trains. It will soon be the T-Third that goes past the ballpark, and they will turn around the N-Judah at Embarcadero.

After going to the ballpark for opening day, I was terribly disappointed by the loss, but it was great to see all the legends that made me become a Giants fan.

Anonymous said...

Sports fans are the worst of BART Riders, Raider fans being far worse, then the others. I hate working stations,which have a high volume of Sports fans because, after the game, they are just plain mean and rude!

bartmusings said...

So this is what concordcommuter was referring to! I didn't realize this was happening until I read the news today. I have to admit, my MUNI experience is limited to baseball game trips. I really am not sure what my options are anymore. I have to figure it out.

In the Chronicle today:

San Francisco
N-Judah stops service to AT&T ballpark

Marisa Lagos

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Beginning today, Muni's N-Judah train will no longer go to AT&T Park.

Most Muni Metro lines -- the J, K, L and M -- already terminate at the Embarcadero Station. With the opening of Muni's new T-Third Street line today, the N also will cease at the Embarcadero Station.

The T-line will go from the Castro Station to Visitacion Valley, meaning passengers on the other Metro lines may transfer to that train to get to the Giants' ballpark, Muni said. On game days, Muni also will have a shuttle train from Castro to the Caltrain station near the ballpark.

For more information, visit or call (415) 673-6864.