I love Concord trains. As much as I can love a BART ride home after a long exhausting day at work, I am always happy to see a Concord train over a Pittsburg/BayPoint train. Why? Because only about 50% of the passengers lining up for the P/BP train get on. Many choose to not get on even though they can just transfer. As a result, I get a 2-seater to myself usually, and really relish the space and privacy.
Why does BART still have Concord trains? There must be some logic behind it that I'm hoping to learn from one of you. I'm glad-- I like them. While others groan that it's just a Concord train, I'm always pleased to hop right on there with plenty of room to spare.
This is the 500th post of BARTMusings. Thanks for hearing me complain, question, praise and discuss through 500 experiences.
short turns--the industry term, are used to get the empty cars back to the origin to load up again, or to pick up riders crowded out on the previous schedule. This is more critical on the PBP Line than others because most of the ridership is in rush hour. Westbound there are a few trains which turn at 24th St PM rush and some which turn @ Montgomery AM rush. Likewise a few start @ Concord both AM and PM and Pleasant Hill AM only
Congrats on post #500! Love the blog and hope you keep it up for another 500 and many more!
Thanks BARTsurfer! It's comforting to know people actually read this blog. :)
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