This is not a debate about weight. It's a discussion about ongoing issues related to the ambiguity of the designated seats on BART for the handicapped.
An overweight, but not overly obese woman today straight out asked me to get out of the handicapped seat for her. I'm always very conscious of who is around me- if I see a child, a pregnant women, someone with a crutch or cane, or anyone who appears to be a senior citizen, I am the first to give up my seat, wherever I am on the train, for them!
This woman was probably at least 75 pounds overweight. She was large, but she was balancing and walking just fine. I saw her walk in and contemplated giving up the seat for her, but she was young and seemed to be OK standing. I didn't want to insult her weight by asking her to sit down either!
So should I add overweight people to my list of people to give up a seat to? What if they yell at me for implying that they are overweight? I've gotten snapped at before for mistakenly giving up the seat to someone who looked older than they really are! No win situation it seems.
In this case, she asked me if she can sit down. I just said, "sure", and let her sit. She wasn't rude or anything but it was implied in her tone that she should have that seat over me. I'm fine with it, no big deal. Just thought this was worth noting on BART Musings.
I'm overweight and wouldn't expect anyone to give up a seat for me. I don't know if I would be insulted if offered the seat. I would definitely not give the person attitude, for trying to be considerate.
I don't think you should add overweight people to your list of preferential seating. Not unless the person appears to be physically distressed, like heavy wheezing, flush or something like that.
I wouldn't give up a seat to an overweight person unless they showed signs of some other medical problem....
As an able-bodied male, I never sit in the handicap seats; even if they are the only free seats left on the train. It's just not relaxing, second-guessing if I should stand up for everyone who boards after me. I'd rather stand...
to comment #2 - great point. i'm always second guessing when i sit in those seats. as soon as some older woman/man comes on the train, i think they are eyeing my seat. whether they are or not, doesn't matter. it's always in the back of your mind.
Completely agree with you guys- I hate sitting in the handicapped seats . I felt lazy today and decided to sit down as long as I technically can...meaning until someone who should be in it walks in.
Hell no! I used to be very overweight, and i took bart. I never sat in the handicapped section. I have since lost all of my weight through exercise and eating right. I hate it when I see obese people using those scooters at the store because they're too fat to walk around. But when you look in they're baskets, it's filled with cinnamon rolls, potato chips, and pork chops. I was fat becasue I led a sedentary lifestly, and ate too much of the wrong foods. Yes it was hard for me to get around, but I changed my lifestyle, and I get around like a kid now.
Most fat people are fat and immobile because they choose to eat too much. A truely handicaped person is either born that way, or got that way in some accident. What I'm trying to say is, that fat people choose to eat. I know, because I was one. It's just not fair that a little old lady has to stand up, because some fat pig takes the seat, make that two seats! I have seen those huge people on the bart taking the handicapped seats. They're not handicapped, they're just fat! Take responsibility for your fatness fat people! I have been fat free for 6 years and counting by the way.
shizam! I could not have said it better!
I definitely don't think anyone should feel sorry for obese people, including themselves.
One time on Muni, a sweaty overweight woman wanted my seat, and I gave it to her, but I thought, jeez, how embarassing, mental note to self: don't ever become this woman. Way to call attention to the fact that you are unfit and can't stand because of it. Fat people are okay, I don't care if they are fat. But when they are mad at the world for it, that's not cool.
On a separate note, to the person who complained about the seniors carrying pink bags: that's unnecessary. We know you're pointing fingers at Asian Americans (yes they are Americans too, hater), and maybe you don't realize that they are just getting on with their lives in whatever way they can. They go to the stores they want to in order to buy their groceries via public transit, because those are the resources they have. People with more resources (personal transportation and enough money to shop supermarkets for produce) are plenty rude. I am just as annoyed when idiots who drive to supermarkets leave their carts all over the place in the parking lot. Should we start picking apart this population by race too? No. Just do your part, that's all we can do. I don't think you are helping any public transit situation by being a racist. If people aren't bothering you are other people, leave them alone. If you're bothered because you think the train is overcrowded, wake up! The population of the train will be same whether the passengers are carrying pink bags or briefcases. You are also a passenger adding to the population of the train! Maybe those old ladies are annoyed at you too, just for being on the train at the same time, do you consider that possibility?
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