Monday, May 21, 2007

Broken turnstile and marijuana -- what a morning!

What a way to start the week! I was in a mad rush today trying to catch my shuttle at Civic Center station. I have my ticket ready before I approach the ticket turnstile, I have my hand ready to grab the ticket as it pops back out, and as usual, I am one step ahead before the turnstiles open up to let me through. Today, the turnstile that I've walked through at least 500 times in the past years was BROKEN. Only ONE of the two cushioned "obstacles" opened up, causing me to run my knees into the unopened one. And because I was already in walking motion, I fell!

Quickly, I tried to regain my balance, and acted like nothing happened in front of the people around me. Then, I walked up the stairs only to approach 3 men openly smoking pot. Two with joints and one with a pipe. Did marijuana become legal suddenly? They were so open and unafraid of being reprimanded by the police! They were definitely high, in a very happy zone. I smiled at them, and they asked me if I wanted some. I responded, no, thanks, gotta go to work!

Definitely not surprising to see people smoking pot around the Civic Center BART. But it was quite surprising how open they were with it! Apparently, they know that BART Police and SFPD don't seem to circle around that area much.


Anonymous said...

you should have taken up the offer to smoke. that would have made the workday alot easier.

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of why, BART Police need to be more visiable, in the stations and trains and more importantly, "ENFORCE," the rules!!

dndgirl said...

I agree, you should have said yes! After taking a fall, you deserved it.

Anonymous said...

I saw two people shoot up, very openly, in the stairway at Civic Center. It was during the lunch hour.

Anonymous said...

pot smoking, at civic center? no?!