Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What do you think of BART's "thank you" banner ads?

If you ride BART daily, I'm sure you've noticed the "thank you" BART ads around the trains. One of them says (can't remember the exact words), "Thank you, sleeping behind your sunglasses riders," and another says, "Thank you, first ride of your life riders." I think there are a couple others, although I can't remember them ride now.

I think they are a bit corny but not close to being as bad as the SF Giants' "It's your Giants" radio and TV ads (side note: speaking of the Giants, depressing 9 straight losses. I hope we release Benitez to make a statement, waste the millions who cares, just rid the cancer). I know that BART is trying to express appreciation with humor, but I remember thinking these two ads that I've seen do not actually directly relate to me and frankly, slightly lame.

BART should have ads that thank those of us who know to walk on the left and stand on the right, those of us who have tickets ready in hand BEFORE we approach the gate, those of us who actually make a point to get up for seniors and handicapped, those of us who ride BART the next day despite horrible delays the day before, those of us who recycle newspaper in the proper bin instead of leaving them on the train, those who pay daily for parking, and those of us who write/comment about BART!! :)


Anonymous said...

Go A's!!

Good point though about thanking the people who actually follow the rules. It made me sick this morning, I was in a regular seat next to the window this morning, a pregnant lady gets on, I immediately thought that just one of the four young guys sitting in the disabled seats would give his seat up. Anyways, all of them just kept looking down pretending that they didn't see her. So I ended up getting up and letting those idiots know what I thought about them, they all just shrugged me off. I'm probably about the same age as them too and they are the reasons why my age group has a bad rep in society.

Thanks for letting me vent!!

David said...
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David said...

I think those of us who are considerate should be given free rides on BART.

I'm one of those who will give his seat to a pregnant woman or an elderly lady - evena younger lady, for that matter.

I also move to the center of the car. My pet peeve about BART is the idiots who can't move beyond the door when boarding. Because BART doesn't see fit to give the early Richmond train more than 3 cars, I'm constatnly transferring from my Castro Valley train to a full Richmond train. However, it really isn't full! The door area is full of idiots who can't move to the center of the car.
If they are getting off at the next stop, then do like the lady did yesterday - wait until everyone else is on the train then get on and wait by the door.

Anonymous said...

there are many, many things bart management could, and should, do before wasting time and money on lame public relations posters. aren't they always complaining about not having enough funding/income? clearly more misplaced priorities.

Anonymous said...

I like the adds, I think they are corny and after a 13 hour day i happen to like a bit of corny marketing on the way home.

I know what your saying about the rest of the stuff also. But we don't live in a robotic world, not everyone is going to do the samething the same way as you would like them to do.

Anonymous said...

It's good you can find some amusement in BART's poster campaign; it seems some would just prefer that BART use the time, energy, and money to actually make BART more efficient and enjoyable. To each his own. I doubt anyone expects people to act like robots. However, most posts that complain about BART patrons are about their rudeness, lack of courtesy and consideration, lack of common sense, and in some cases behavior that is unsafe or that is, or approaches, being threatening. People will always be individuals, even if we might hope that they could do so without negatively impinging on others.

bartmusings said...

I definitely don't believe that BART should post ads for our amusement or to express apprecation. I'm simply commenting on "thank you" ads that already exist. I'm not urging them to spend more energy and resources on it. I am in no way trying to say that BART should allocate more time and money towards marketing and feel-good ads. These are just thoughts on existing posters.

Anonymous said...

"it seems some would just prefer that BART use the time, energy, and money to actually make BART more efficient and enjoyable."

Like I said I like the adds they gave me a bit of a grin the first few times that I noticed them, that would fit the enjoyable cat. I can't comit on the efficient part, I off commute and haven't had any issues with this.

"I doubt anyone expects people to act like robots. However, most posts that complain about BART patrons are about their rudeness, lack of courtesy and consideration, lack of common sense, and in some cases behavior that is unsafe or that is, or approaches, being threatening. People will always be individuals, even if we might hope that they could do so without negatively impinging on others"

Part of people being individuals is having the choice to deside what actions that can be considered negatively and impinging. Some things are pretty cut and dry, while others are not.