Monday, November 21, 2005

What a good book can do for your BART ride

Yes, I know, I haven't written an entry in a quite awhile! You actually should be happy for me! I mentioned in my last posting that I've been reading a good book that has kept my attention away from the undesirable conditions on BART and around the Civic Center station. The book has kept me relatively BART complaint-free all last week (well, except for a 15 minute BART delay on Thursday which caused me to miss my shuttle...I had to spend an additional $10 on a taxi ride to the office! SUCKED!)

I've been reading Memoirs of a Geisha, and from the preface all the way to the last page of acknowledgements, I have just been completely captured by the story! It's so good that I actually don't even get the chance to lift up my head to check out the passengers around me. I still smell things, sure, but all I need to do is swing the book up and down to fan away the bad scents while keeping my focus on the book.

Unfortunately, I am now finished with the 400 page I'm in the hunt again for a good book that keeps me THAT enthralled or else my attention will be once again focused on my horrible surroundings on and off the train.

I can't wait until the Memoirs of a Geisha movie is out. I just hope they do justice to their beautifully written and emotionally stimulating book.

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